Home > Abusive relationships, Borderline Personality Disorder, Marriage, relationships > When Love Hurts: The Emotionally Abused Man

When Love Hurts: The Emotionally Abused Man

Does your relationship with your girlfriend or wife leave you feeling bad about yourself? Do you frequently feel misunderstood, rejected, vilified and devalued in your relationship? Do you feel trapped or stuck? Do you believe it’s possible for men to be emotionally abused by women?

Believe it. It happens all the time. The stereotype of an abusive relationship is that of a man physically beating a woman. Society has yet to acknowledge the vast number of women who emotionally abuse men.

In fact, the men who are being abused oftentimes don’t realize that their wife’s or girlfriend’s behavior is abusive.

2569321033_221a5b6a20-copy-2They use different terms to describe this behavior like nagging, bossy, difficult, strong-willed, tough, harsh, argumentative, “passionate,” or aggressive, which they always follow up with some excuse such as, “She had a really tough childhood. She was abused.” Lots of people have had less than ideal beginnings, but they don’t take it out on others in their adult relationships.

Men have been brainwashed into believing that it’s normal for women to be irrational, moody, emotional, and demanding.

Most men accept these behaviors under the guise that a woman is ‘just expressing her feelings’ and men are uncomfortable with because ‘men aren’t good at expressing their feelings.’ This is ridiculous.  This behavior makes men uncomfortable, just as it would make most women on the receiving end of it uncomfortable because it’s abusive.

Men, you need to wake up and stop blinding yourself to the obvious.

If you walk on eggshells around your partner because you’re afraid she’ll flip out on you for minor transgressions or simply because she’s in a bad mood, you’re experiencing emotional abuse. If nothing you do, no matter how hard you try pleases her, you’re experiencing emotional abuse. If she regularly puts you down, criticizes or demeans you through name-calling and humiliation, you’re experiencing emotional abuse. If she shuts you out, gives you the cold shoulder or refuses to have sex with you in order to control your behavior, you’re experiencing emotional abuse.

There’s no shame in admitting this. In fact, it’s your wife or girlfriend who ought to be ashamed.

Emotional abuse is like a cancer that eats away at your psyche until you’re left feeling powerless, worthless, anxious and/or depressed. Most of the time it happens so gradually that you don’t notice it. You explain away the first few tantrums, emotional outbursts and rage episodes. You take her criticisms to heart because you want to please her.

You’d give anything for her to go back to the way she was during the honeymoon phase of your relationship when she was fun, sweet and loving and therein lies the problem.

2569321033_221a5b6a20-copy-2-copyShe’s not abusive all the time. Sometimes she’s nice. Now and again, she’ll even make a grand loving gesture and you convince yourself that the relationship isn’t that bad. Abusive personality types frequently have a very charismatic and seductive side. If she was all bad all the time, you’d have never become involved with her, right? Their charming side is how they suck people in. Over time, the charm wears thin and their abusive traits dominate.

You can’t fix this. You can’t make her stop. You can’t make your relationship better. You can go to all the therapy sessions in the world and read all the How to Understand Women books on Amazon, but you won’t be able to change her behavior. Why?

First, it’s highly unlikely that your girlfriend or wife will see her behavior as abusive because “everything’s your fault” and, most importantly, her abusive behaviors are how she gets what she wants. It’s a learned and highly effective behavioral technique, which, even if she gains awareness about it, will be terribly difficult (if not impossible) for her to break.

The goal of an abuser is control and the way they control you is through emotional abuse.

Don’t want to admit you’re being controlled or abused? Ok. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you spending more and more time at work because you don’t want to go home?
  • Have you dropped out of touch with friends and family? When you communicate periodically, do you smile and tell them everything’s great as you feel the knot in your stomach tighten and the lump in your throat harden?
  • Do you feel like you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop?
  • Have you withdrawn from life while retreating into alternate realities, e.g., books, films or the Internet?
  • Are you experiencing feelings of shame, worthlessness, low self-esteem or emotional numbness?
  • Are you experiencing physical symptoms like chronic stomach pain, nausea, headaches, digestive problems, insomnia or fatigue that your doctor can’t diagnose beyond “may be stress-related?”
  • Are you drinking more or using recreational drugs more than you used to? Are you using them to escape from or numb yourself to the unhappiness of your situation?
  • Do you feel unlovable? Like something’s “wrong” with you or that you’re “bad” or “crazy?” Do you worry that if you left your partner that no one else would want you?
  • Do you experience symptoms of depression, including thoughts of suicide?
  • Do you engage in risky behaviors in which your death would be considered “accidental” like reckless driving, riding your bike alone through rough terrain, going into dangerous neighborhoods,or walking into traffic without looking?

If you answered “yes” to more than one of these questions it’s highly likely that you’re suffering the effects of emotional abuse. Most often women (and men) with these traits either have Borderline Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder and/or Narcissistic Personality Disorder characteristics, if not full blown personality disorders. These psychiatric conditions are extremely difficult to treat.

All four can be extremely emotionally abusive types who are incapable of feeling empathy or holding themselves accountable, which does not bode well for you.

You need to decide if you want to spend the rest of your life being treated like this or if you want a chance at real love and happiness. You should probably seek some form of formal support to:

  1. Help resurrect your feelings of self-esteem and worth.
  2. Understand why you were attracted to this woman in the first place so you don’t end up in another abusive relationship again.
  3. Learn some behavioral techniques to deal and cope with these behaviors.
  4. Help you decide if you want to end this relationship and, if so, support you through it.


Dr Tara J Palmatier_Shrink4Men_02Counseling, Consulting and Coaching with Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD

Dr. Tara J. Palmatier, PsyD helps individuals work through their relationship and codependency issues via telephone or Skype. She specializes in helping men and women trying to break free of an abusive relationship, cope with the stress of an abusive relationship or heal from an abusive relationship. She combines practical advice, emotional support and goal-oriented outcomes. Please visit the Schedule a Session page for professional inquiries.

Say Goodbye to CrazyWant to Say Goodbye to Crazy? Buy it HERE.

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Photo credits: Jekyll and Hyde by That Damned Redhead on flickr.

  1. Kumaran
    May 13, 2015 at 2:34 pm

    I have been living in hell for the last 31 years and always thought i was crazy.you have no idea how your website has changed my life.in tje process of getting a divorce

  2. April 30, 2015 at 10:34 am

    I just read ur page and I can’t even thank right.Everything u talked about is happened to me.I hv been married 8 yrs I love my wife very much.She does it all step for step I belive this is all me I push her here it’s on me .I’m 6’1 210 big guy tattoos shaved head.My wife has me believing it’s all my fault see call me loser asshole u fuck worst husband know one likes u she hates my family there made at me for still being with her.She blows up and outs me so low to me crying like a baby she stands over me laughing and calling me names.I started having panic attacks last yr so bad I can’t breath I fall to the ground I ask for her help and never does she does more I hate my self I thank I’m worthless I wz the top closer in my company now nothing I belive everything is my fault she made me move out to a hotel where she comes everyday and it ends with me crying on the floor I wz never like this before she has me convinced that I’m bipolar that I’m being tested for and she answers everything.God I’m finally seeing I need help and I need it bad she tells me in front of are kids I suck I’m a bad dad I’m a pice of shit please please I need help

    • Understanding
      May 14, 2015 at 4:48 am

      None of this is your fault, women like this are destructive and honestly most if not all are incurable. Cluster b disorders are disorders of the mind and brain itself, my mum used to say that the reason you can’t cure a personality disordered person is because thier brain is wired to act that way and studies of the brains of those with personality disorders have proven this. The only way to cope is get out nothing else and to get out you must read this blog back to front, recognize she won’t change and never will and honestly she’s destroying you. Document everything she does that is abusive, In Triplicate. Then salvage what you can and leave… I have a relative or two that are cluster b and can honestly say that they never change or get better in my experience they get worse. Feels sad and mourn what never was but don’t waste your life with people like her, don’t fall into the savior trap and get out.

      And for all that breathes and exist stick to no contact! It’s the key to breaking free to victory.

  3. April 28, 2015 at 1:24 pm

    This describes exactly what I’m going thru, to a T, an its getting the best of me, I don’t know which way to turn or who to turn to or weather anyone can actually help my situation, sense men is always the abusers. Not in my situation in my situation I’m always at fault for Everything that goes on. Help I can’t take this anymore Help me please anybody..

    • Johns tears
      May 1, 2015 at 4:57 pm

      Get out Get help and support and LAWYER up. Do NOT engage her anything at all with lawyer present. It will get better and easier but You must leave!

  4. Steve Kettner
    March 29, 2015 at 1:06 pm

    My stomach is churning right now as I read this and other articles by Dr. Tara and readers’ responses. My GF of ten months has dropped me again. This has happened at least 12 times, but usually within 48 hours she reels me back in, saying it is not me but her, and saying all the right things a lonely man wants to hear. I have never dumped her, and early on would just replace her on planned dates with someone else – she couldn’t stand that. She often says we argue every week, and asks me if I was ever in a relationship in which arguing was so pervasive; the fact is, it is she who looks for and gets angry over insignificant things, but somehow twists it to something I said, or did (which in most cases is a misrepresentation of something nice I did). Early on, I would react sometimes with angry, hurtful words – the key word here though is “react”. For ten months I have been loving, generous, sensitive to “her” problems of past relationships. In return, she denies to let me see her during the week (yes, our weekends are always wonderful with fun and laughs and cuddling and incredible sex, but by Sunday evening or Monday, she withdraws, needing her “me” times). She says she is not seeing anyone but me, but her withdrawal and secrecy cause me angst and mistrust. When I suggest that if she allows only weekends, that we are allow each other to see others throughout the week, she goes berserk and says she will not share me. In ten months she has never made me a meal, never bought me a gift, even at Christmas, and given me only a Valentines Day card following one of our times apart after I had a lunch date with another woman. I am sixty and an empty nester. I don’t desire going through the dating scene again. I only want love and stability. When I met her I forgot all my worries of being alone. I experienced the best sex I ever had, even considering the performance problems that age brings. Historically, she always came back after about 48 hours, especially if her jealousy set in. It has now been five days without any contact from her. She’s refused my calls and efforts to communicate. I in turn have not attempted to contact her for three days, have blocked her from calling me, have sought support through counselor, friends, and siblings, and of course educated myself through articles like this. And yet . . . I long for her. I checked my answering machine yesterday because I missed a call from my distant sister – the machine played back a recording from my GF “Hi hon”. My heart beat fast. I was excited. Then I heard a second message from her, then a third, and I realized these were messages left weeks ago. I collapsed and cried uncontrollably. Rational thought, the same supportive comments of advice from every friend I have, seems over-whelmed by my stronger emotional feelings. These articles and forum have been helpful in understanding my situation and my pathetic inability to get a grip. And yet suicidal thoughts flicker in and out, and that causes me and my loved ones stress. My situation is trivial to problems other face, but surviving this is one of the hardest challenges I’ve experienced.

    • Sean
      May 7, 2015 at 5:10 pm

      Drop her like a bad habit… you deserve better.

  5. Brandon
    February 19, 2015 at 1:07 am

    To all that read this. I am here to tell you that this is very real and it is happening more today than ever before. My brother was married to his wife for 24yrs. He was always defending his family and not allowed to have a relationship with our mother and for that matter myself and his sister. We did not get to know his kids as she has kept them from everyone on this side of the family since they were born. This eventually led to the separation between myself and my brother and a very extended relationship with our mom. 4 weeks ago my brother took his life as he was driven to the edge of existence. His kids verbally abused him as bad as his wife. The very sad part of this is loosing my brother who I love very much. In addition, the children do not even understand what they are. These kids need saved as much as a hostages in a terrorists situation. I can’t begin to explain how bad it was for my brother and finally I think he just had reached a point that he could not come back from. I hope that one day that she is accountable for what she has done. I don’t like to hold a grudge or wish ill upon people, but I can honestly say that I would like to see her get served the same plate that she served my brother for 24yrs. The kids on the other hand I hope they see the light one day and can be saved or they are headed down the same path. I wrote this because if you are dealing with this same horrific situation, please get out or please save your loved one from this situation. If they let the evil grind away, it will not forgive and eventually get the best of them.

  6. Neveragain
    January 15, 2015 at 6:13 am

    I have read a number of these articles regarding abused men, and they help me understand I’m not alone. I wish we could ” come out of the closet” on this topic. Now I seem to recognize abusive women everywhere, but people just don’t get it, or don’t believe you. I’ve even had a therapist who didn’t believe me . My only criticism, and maybe I just haven’t gotten to the article yet, is how abusive women can keep their man forever in FOG through surprise children.
    There should be no shame in the admittance that you are an abused man, but I rarely share that info with anyone. I’m out of the relationship now and constantly vigilant of ending up in the same situation. It takes a lot of self growth, and sites like this help. My hope is that men will feel more comfortable discussing how they feel with one another to give some social support and help curb the abuse.

  7. January 11, 2015 at 4:39 pm

    Thanks for the insight on emotional abuse. My situation now is abuse from my wife and her adult stepsons, one who lives with us. Im not good enough and just tired

  8. weeping john
    January 4, 2015 at 1:42 pm

    Your 10 things that are a sign I am a victom? 8 of 10 is me. You’ve described the last 20 yrs of my married life! I am embarrassed, and too hurt to talk to her or anyone HELP!

  9. Stuart mcdonagh
    December 12, 2014 at 1:43 pm

    Im broken,just finished reading all the comments n realised this is happening to me.everything thats been said is/has happend to me.So upset at moment dont know how to deal with this.plz help.

    • Sandra
      December 12, 2014 at 4:01 pm

      Now just get support, if the support was your family who saw wharves going on and you had a hard time telling them this they’re the ones you turn to now.
      As a mother I saw what was going on with my son, he wasn’t able or ready to see this behavior in his marriage as toxic. But he has since found the strength to move on.
      We, my husband and I were there for him when he was ready, talk to your family, parents etc, I know they will be too. BPD’s font change they blame everyone else but themselves for their behavior!
      You will survive and learn how to heal from this toxic relationship in time. BPDs want to desperate you from those live ones, run to what she wanted to take you from.

      Let me know the outcome!
      You took the first step talking about it!
      Good job!

  10. demir
    October 15, 2014 at 8:18 pm

    What an article.amazing. I dated this girl for couple years on and off. I’m a very kind, sweet, caring and a lot of fun to be around. Loved by almost all people I know, fmilies friends, girls before and after her. Just a normal harmless guy nothing special and I’m not perfect. Her, beautiful face. Reason I was so attracted to her. Hopeless romantic and a virgin. I don’t wanna judge her by how she treated me. But I was always made felt like I was a terrible guy, she would point oUT every little imperfections in matter of a second while I would smile for hers. I never got an compliment from her. I was the only one doing all the work and putting all the efforts in to her while she would do nothing but complain and reject me over and over again. Then couple weeks later she would become the same girl I met first, she would wanna see again and go out. So the cycle continued over and over again. I felt ugly, depressed, not good enough for any woman. All because I didn’t know better.I learned everything about woman from her. I also come from a different part of the world I was born and raised in a refuge camp until 18 so a normal person would understand. The only thing is, now my hearts split in half one halt that just hates her and wants her to get what she deserves and other half says it’s just life. I’ve moved on, met a girl who I can be myself around and loves me for me, But as you can see I am hurt by her.

  11. Matthew Jones
    September 24, 2014 at 1:09 am

    My wife of almost 18 years planned to divorce me while I was out of town with work a year and a half ago. I found out the next morning I returned home on my birthday when her brother wasn’t aware that I didn’t know yet. After I asked my wife was it a joke she continued doing her hair and confirmed it while I cried and begged for her to change her mind. I will by no means tell you I was a perfect husband, I’m only a man. She got pregnant after only a few months of dating and I did not want to settle down yet so I partied until the night my son was born. I stopped drinking immediately and finished my college early and started my career to provide for son and we started being like a regular family so I proposed to her and bought a new house for us. I found out shortly after we married that my bank account was ours and hers was hers and that everything was on her terms as far as sex, vacation destinations, where we eat and where we live. I paid for everything and basically her check was for her impulsive buying. I decided I would go back to school to further my education to in turn make more money so I could save for our future and not spend every thing we made every week. I accomplished that goal but since I was so busy with school and work those first few years I didn’t realize once I finished we would keep drifting further apart. I finished my second degree and she talked me into moving into a bigger house in a neighborhood her brother and his family lived in. Shortly after that her mother moved to the neighborhood and I was fighting for alone time with her because she was always at someone’s house or doing something with her nieces or friends. Then she lost her job and to show her how much I cared for her and our future I told her I would take a loan for her to go to college to do anything she wanted. She went to college and met new people and had a great time while I traveled every weekend with our sons baseball team that she insisted he play on. It was all ok though because it was to better our future. When she finished school nothing changed and I was alone at the house if I wasn’t working. I couldn’t even take her on a date she was too busy with work, friends and her family. I ruptured a disk in my back around that time and my Dr put me on Percocet and instantly my problems went away. I didn’t care that she wanted nothing to do with me and even made me move into the bonus room because she couldn’t sleep with anyone in the bed with her anymore. Even though I was paying out more than I was making on her new car, our big house and the debt from her school as long as the Dr kept giving me the pain killers it kept my back pain and marital pain in check. Long story short I became a functioning addict and hooked on pain killers so that was her reason for leaving me. I had to give her my retirement that I had saved for us and I was responsible for 50K in loans for her school and I’m still paying on the house that we lived in because the market was so bad we couldn’t get what we owed on it. Now what I can’t figure out is why I still think about her and this great marriage that I thought we had out of my mind and I would take her back in a minute. She even toys with me every few months once I start beginning to live again and tells me that she wants me back and that I loved her like she had never been loved and she took me for granted. Once I start to open up to her she pulls back and says it’s going to fast and I go back into my depression. I always wanted a biblical marriage and I blame myself and beat myself up 24 hours a day because I didn’t do my job as the head of the family, but she wouldn’t let me lead the family. I don’t talk to anyone anymore and I’ve become a hermit and someone that everyone knows is not happy so I stay away from people so I don’t bring them down. I would do anything to make her love me and make it work but I’m scared there’s nothing I can do to get her to love me and have the relationship I want. I pay child support and I bought my son a truck so I have his insurance and I still pay his cell phone bill and with the debt I have I know no one else would ever want me. I was once a strong healthy man and now I’m just a shell of a person and don’t see any happiness in my future. I have all this regret but I’m not sure I could please her or make her happy no matter what and I know she can’t make me happy so why do I still love her and want her back so badly.

  12. chris
    September 16, 2014 at 7:41 pm

    Almost every thing that was said in this article is my daily way of life. I don’t know what to do I have bought into the fact that no one will ever want me. And I am not sure if I love the woman I live with or am simply addicted to the abuse. or just that terrified of being alone. when we started dating she was like no other woman I had ever been with, loving, caring , generous and supportive. All of that begin to disappear almost immediately after moving in together. I am lost lonely and almost ready to give it all up. The scary thing is would profess to the high heavens my love for this woman and would do anything for her. Can someone out there help me?

  13. Kylie
    September 2, 2014 at 9:03 pm

    This is so sad. My bf is slowly recovering from this kind of relationship, and he is the sweetest man ever. I can’t imagine someone hurting him on purpose. He just needs to hear “you are a good man” and it makes his eyes light up. It’s my lifes mission now to help him heal, and to love him and take care of him like the treasure he is.

  14. Dave
    August 20, 2014 at 7:49 am

    I am beside myself. This was one of the most helpful, spot on things I have ever read.

    I have been involved with an abusive woman for the last 16 months. She is exactly how you described it. I was attracted by her looks; she was a runway model and a very successful one. Early on I saw the signs and I felt uneasy in the back of my mind, but I was so seduced by her looks and the sex. After all she was so much more pleasing than my ex.

    But the moment that she didn’t get her way everything blew up and I left. And I found myself feeling like a puppet soon after. She hardly had to lift a finger and I would come running, begging for her to take me back.

    Thank you so much. I read a lot of articles on the Internet and this is one of the most brilliantly written, effective, and helpful things I have ever read.

    • cameron
      August 20, 2014 at 6:32 pm

      I couldnt agree more dave I hope all is well with you, take it from me that being emotionally abused is one of the hardest things to deal with. Rest asure in time you will be fine! Go out and keep your head high and remember you are now stronger than ever!

  15. cameron
    August 6, 2014 at 5:34 pm

    hello everyone, When I first wrote the comment above I was a mess. Its been two months since then and I’d like to share this as when I first realised I was emotionally abused I would’ve loved to of heard this from someone.

    Firstly it gets better. As days go by you detach yourself from your ex. You do whatever it is you need to do to succeed in being happy. Sure there is bad days and you need to go through them but all in all time is what you need. I’ve seen her around and the first time I immediately started walking the other direction. I was so scared and intimidated by her and when I think back now there was nothing to be scared of. She never hit me, called me names only on few occasions where she got very angry, so this sense of fear I got was that when I looked at her I felt all the pain and pressure I was under during the relationship.

    No contact is key. I sometimes forget about her completely. They was days on end where she didnt even cross my mind. Until I got reminded or saw something that brought a memory back. However when the dark days come and your sitting there thinking of happy memories of you and your partner together you need to understand that its not helping. I sat there and did exactly that but then had to force myself to think of all the other times where I was manipulated, pushed aside, and embaressed by her. The times I did nothing wrong but yet its my fault. The times where she accused me of cheating again and again when all I did was try be the best I could be. The weeks and months of constant arguing where I felt like bashing my head in because I couldn’t figure out what was going on! The times I go rejected by her whether it’d be a kiss or simply a conversation.

    You need to always remember that if your not happy, you are not you, and you are worth so much more. Your happiness comes first always, so don’t sit there thinking about how devastating it was and the happy memories. Get out there, lift your head up. BE YOU and understand that you deserve so much better. Also I understand that marriages and long term relationships of 10 years or so would be a much different circumstance, if children are involved its very different. But what I’m saying applies to all people recovering from emotional abuse. Its not right and its not fair and I have sat here and pitied myself until one day you do stand up, you do realise you can go on and you do feel as though yes I can do this. I can move on.

    You, whoever it is reading this and can relate and understands what its like, Remember this, you are now stronger than ever before. Don’t let anyone manipulate or push you around. Don’t walk around eggshells with anyone. You say what you need to say. Don’t bottle up emotions because your scared of hurting someone. No one is better off if you withhold emotion.

    Its not easy, but being in an emotionally abusive relationship is the hardest thing to be in and escape from and no one deserves to be emotionally abused. I thank you all for listening. No matter what everyone deserves to be happy. Don’t stay stuck in the past wondering well what if this happened or what if she/he ( I know this sites for men but im not excluding anyone ) was different? Whats happened has happened and for your sake and theirs, go out and meet the person of your dreams.

    I wish you all the very best and hope no matter what you are happy in life

    Cameron :)

    • onemeremember
      August 28, 2014 at 10:45 pm

      Hi Cameron. I may be wrong but I think the focus of this site has shifted to the web hang-out and not many people see these articles any more. So, apologies to you for that. You are doing the right thing. No contact. Make sure you internalise the red flags and you will be less likely to be hooked again. The last webcast was really great. “Addicted to Borderline”. http://www.shrink4men.com/

  16. cameron
    July 8, 2014 at 12:40 am

    hi everyone, I suppose my case isn’t deemed as harsh or maybe as important. Reading through here I see marriages where people have been abused, people have been in abusive relationships for years and mine only lasted a year. I am 17 and of course a guy as im on this website! haha. I don’t know where to start, I ended it a month ago. The first four months were the honeymoon period I guess, Id known her for a year and as my first proper relationship I really wanted it to go well.

    To tell you all about the arguments and what caused them I’d need hours and hours. But it wasn’t just arguments. It was accusations, It was pushing all blame on me, I was always on my toes, afraid, chose my words very carefully. The abuse was slow and steady, gradually building, If we went to a party she’d almost choose my clothes for me, If I suggested an item of clothing she didn’t like she’d laugh and say ” really? you want to wear that? ” and then of course I wouldn’t. The accusations got worse through the course of the relationship. I was accused of cheating on her with one of her best friends and accused of fancying the other. It was head wrecking, I couldn’t understand. 7 months in is when the arguments were every single day. I’d do something wrong everyday even when I tried my absolute hardest it just wasn’t enough. She’d find something to accuse or argue about.

    Throughout this, I was seeing my friends less, and her all the time. I felt as though if I’d suggested a weekend without her i’d be in deep deep shit. My mother noticed I wasn’t the same anymore and mentioned it to be on the odd occasion. She herself has been through traumatic experiences and knew I wasn’t right. When I look back I realize things she said were very controlling. She had moved house and was without internet for 2 days and couldn’t contact me. Upon discussing this she said ” I was getting really worried, I was starting to think you liked the time apart ” I said no I hated not being able talk to her but in reality I did like it. Those 2 days were the only days in a long time were I felt happy

    Sorry everyone I don’t want to bore you with my story, I could type away about my relationship but I really just need some advice. After realizing I was emotionally abused, I thought it would be easier to get over her because shes an abuser, who needs that in their life? No one does. I’m sad to say its really done a number on me. In a way I’m glad as now I see it and it will never occur again. Just the last month has been up and down. Some days I won’t even think of her. Others I’ll sit there depressed and think of happy memories. Why? I don’t know. I don’t want her back and of course feelings are still there. I know she abused me, and I hate the fact I still have these feelings. There nothing to worry about I am not going back to an emotional abuser. I know they don’t change and only I can escape and find someone better. Just I feel so angry. Each day I want to send her a message showing and telling her what she is and what she did to me! She told her friends I didn’t give her a reason and after everything I just want her to know what she did. But I’m afraid it won’t help. I just need some form of, I wouldn’t say revenge, more so self respect. I’ve been put down and manipulated for months on end, I just want to show I can stand up for myself!

    The break up was so rough, I’m only 17, completely new to relationships, she threatened suicide and it actually took 3 days to break up because I was so weak I kept going back. I’ve tried emailing other places for advice and have had no reply. If anyone took some time out to just help me up you literally have no idea how much id appreciate it!. I just want to feel ok again, I feel like she’s ripped out the old me, I want to find myself again. Do I tell her what shes done, or do I just move on. She moved 10 minutes away from me , not intentionally, her mother works in the town I live and so I may see her every now and again. I just want her to know That me, Cameron is in control now and that I see her for what she is. Thank you so much to anyone who has read this, and most of all, just thank you and this website for allowing me to express my feelings and let it out, I feel better actually typing it out and letting it out there. Thank you. Thank you so much.

  17. Harry
    April 25, 2014 at 9:23 pm

    I had to comment on this, I have read untolds amounts of forums over the years but this has to be the best advice I have ever been given. I am in a relationship with my partner. She was amazing at the start. As months go on she is becoming more and more of an emotional bully. She does all of the above. And I am afraid to upset her as I’m worried she will do something stupid because she drinks heavily until the point of blackout. I am reading this and after taking all the above in I believe it’s time for me to move on. I have never been so in love with someone. But for the last couple of weeks I have had my head tell me leave her but my heart tell me look after her. Fortunately I have came across this great piece and it will give me the strength to do what is best for my health. I said to her several days ago that the relationship is beggining to affect my health but she flipped and somehow it was my fault. But it really is making me lose myself and I feel I have forgotten who I am because I am constantly thinking of what she’s going to do next. We go out for a drink it’s never 1 or 2 unless it suits her. But if I want to go home after a couple she throws a tantrum. Tonight was the last straw for me. I drove her to work and we agreed we was having a booze free weekend. Well I pick her up at 6pm from work too find out from one of her colleuges she’s been drinking champagne since 12pm. And it was a difficult task getting her back in the car to go home. I can be at work on a weekday and if I don’t answer her call instantly i will receive a number of messages screaming at me saying I’m in the pub ect ect, now I could return her call within a minute but I’m still somehow in the wrong yet I’ve done nothing. Yet when it suits she can drink until blackout at work and all is fine. I never realized how any of this works. I’m 22 and I came out of a 6 year relationship and met someone 12 years older than me. I totally fell for her but after readin that it has given me the strength that I needed too break from her. I thank you very much for your advice, women like this will never change. I do not wish open to anyone what I am going through at the moment.

  18. April 1, 2014 at 4:11 pm

    My father….is being abused by his wife. She criticizes him for what he likes, makes him go to places she wants to go, and prevents me from seeing him. He gives in to her all the time, and often can’t come see his own child because his wife says so, or his wife is sick. He always makes excuses for her when it’s clear to me that he’s the one being abused.

    Is there any way I can help him at all?

  19. Nick
    January 8, 2014 at 2:56 pm

    Wow, this is so helpful. Its been almost a year and I’m just exhausted by it. BPD, OCD who knows, all i know is without her seeking help we’re through. Yikes, life should be better.

  20. Ed Krausser
    December 20, 2013 at 2:43 am

    Spent 20 years in an abusive relationship.Anytime she did not get her way she threatened to take my children away from me.Went to hospital several time for stress induced cardiac issues.As a man in NJ I was told I didn’t have a chance at getting custody so I endured it for years. I thought that I could handle it but it took its toll.This issue needs to be addressed in family courts.There are just as many abusive women as there are men.

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